Where to find out more

Information on teaching in Bradford:

Need a DBS check?

If you have been asked to apply for a DBS check by your school as a condition of your employment you can do this online. Click here to be directed to the relevant pages of our website. 

Transgender Applicants

The DBS offers a confidential checking service for transgender applicants in accordance with the Gender Recognition Act 2004. This is the sensitive applications route, and is available for all levels of DBS check. This route gives transgender applicants the choice not to have any gender or name information disclosed on their DBS certificate, that could reveal their previous identity.

If you are asked to complete a DBS check and have a previous identity that you do not wish to be disclosed to your employer and/or on your DBS certificate, you should call or email the dedicated sensitive applications team before submitting your application on 0300 106 1452 or sensitive@dbs.gov.uk. The team is experienced in dealing with sensitive cases and will advise you of the process and what you need to do.

If you are happy to have your previous identity disclosed on your certificate, you do not need to contact the sensitive applications team and can simply submit this information under the ‘any other names’ section of your application.

Lost Your Examination Certificates?

Your old school, and Bradford Metropolitan District Council do not have duplicates of your exam certificates. The only organisations that can replace them are the exam boards that awarded them.

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